Have you heard the term BYOD or BYOT muttered around your workplace or your child’s school?

It stands for Bring Your Own Device/Technology and it is the future direction of many institutions.

With technology developing so fast it has become increasingly hard for IT Departments to keep up and manage costs of Company/School owned devices. These factors have given birth to the BYOD program. How will this affect cyber safety at home?

Cybersafe Families understands BYOD will have a serious impact on cyber safety in our homes. There is no need to be fearful of this evolution so long as we address the potential cyber safety concerns. Essentially we are talking about our children being more connected to the universe than before, making it easier to learn, interact and play than ever before. Just as we wouldn’t send our six year old child into our public streets unsupervised, the same applies for their online universe. Predators, Trolls, Cyberbullies are constantly searching for new victims and statistics show this number is growing, your child needs their guardian to protect them as they would do on the street. Overlooking the potential risks of the online world because it exists in your home has been a common mistake in the past. Sadly, we now know better.

Students as young as Year 1 will be coming home with their own devices in the from of iPad’s to laptops. These users whilst on school networks will be protected from many of the dangers of the outside world, it is once this child leaves the school network and come home that they will become more vulnerable. Its a bizarre concept, our children’s safest place will become their most dangerous online place. Get involved in cyber safety now!

Let Cybersafe Families come to your home and help you create a safer online environment. We have a package to suit most families and budgets. If you do not believe we have helped make your home a safer online environment we will provide you with full refund.

Article about the BYOD program can be found here: