School services

Primary School Sessions

Information Technology can be a great resource and learning tool for children, but it can also provide access to material that may not be age appropriate.

Secondary School Sessions

Sessions are customised, interactive and engaging for students and cover the latest up to date information.

School Parent Sessions

It’s important for parents to understand the opportunities and the threats that the online world provides, to equip them with knowledge to protect their family.

School Staff Sessions

School Staff Sessions provide participants with a knowledge of the context in which our students operate and the associated risks.

We understand that many student online issues occur at home while students are on their own devices, however these issues impact on school and social life. With the ever-increasing incidences of reported cyber bullying it is important to educate students of all ages to navigate their online world with responsibility, resilience, respect and empathy.

Student Sessions are 45-60 minutes in duration and we recommend up to 90 students per session.

Sessions are grouped in individual year levels for secondary students. Primary student sessions can combine two year levels if necessary. Grouping students in year levels allows for age appropriate content to be presented to the relevant age groups.

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